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Caregiver Programs Customer Satisfaction Survey, F-02331 (05/2018)

Please rate how well Wisconsin family caregiver programs met your needs. Your confidential responses will be used to improve the quality of our services.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.
3. How did you first make contact with the caregiver program about your concerns?
4. How much time passed between your request for help and your first meeting or discussion with a staff person about your request
5. How would you rate the amount of time that passed until you discussed your situation with the staff person?
6. Rate the following aspects of your interaction with the person who spoke to you:
Space Cell Very WellWellNo OpinionPoorlyVery Poorly
How well or poorly did program staff listen to you?
How well or poorly did the staff person understand your situation?
How well or poorly was your privacy respected?
How well or poorly did the information you received meet your needs?
7. Would you recommend that a friend or family member with similar needs contact the county aging unit/aging and disability resource center/tribe?
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