Apply for Lead or Asbestos Certification

Phishing scams

Caution: Look out for phishing scams. If you believe a contact from us is suspicious, use the info on your certification card or company certificate to reach us directly.

Using a laptop

Apply online

Most people and companies can apply using our online application.

If you took training outside of Wisconsin, need to submit documents, or are requesting a fee exemption, you must apply by mail.

You may also use the system to update information like your mailing address or order a replacement card.

Apply online for asbestos and lead certifications

Apply by mail

Word-fillable applications can be found in the Forms tab below. Complete, print, and sign your application. Then mail it to the address below with your check or money order made out to the Department of Health Services (DHS). Cash is not accepted.

State of Wisconsin
PO Box 93419
Milwaukee, WI 53293-3419

If you are sending your application through a service that requires a signature (like Fedex, UPS, or Certified Mail) use the address below.

US Bank
777 E. Wisconsin Ave
Attn: Lockbox 93419 – WI DHS Lead
Milwaukee, WI 53202

As of October 2021, electronic or printed copies of your certification card are acceptable as on-site proof of certification. For example, showing a legible, color photo of your valid, unexpired certification card on a cell phone is acceptable. Read the official memo BEOH-2021-03 (PDF) for more information.

An electronic or printed copy of a training diploma is also acceptable on-site proof of certification for individuals who have submitted a complete application to DHS and are working under provisional certification. See Memo BEOH-2021-03 (PDF) for more information.

If your original card or company certificate was lost or damaged, you can order a replacement for a $25 fee using the online application or a paper application linked below.

DHS does not provide electronic copies of company certificates or individual certification cards.

Once you submit your individual application for certification, you can work under provisional certification until your card is issued. Note: There is no provisional company certification.

To work under provisional certification, you must:

  • Meet all requirements for certification,
  • Apply for certification, and
  • Keep a copy of your training diploma with you while doing regulated work. An electronic or printed copy is fine.

For additional background information, see our publication on provisional certification for individuals, P-03614 (in English and Spanish) or the official memo on asbestos provisional certification (PDF) issued by the Department of Health Services.

Expedited service is available for an additional $25 fee for company applications only.

This service is only available for complete applications that are mailed to the address below.

DHS Lead and Asbestos Section
1 W. Wilson St., Room 137
Madison, WI 53703-3445

Veterans License Fee Waiver Program – Wisconsin Act 209

If you are a veteran of the U.S. armed services, you may qualify for a one-time fee waiver of your initial asbestos or lead certification. Visit the Department of Veteran’s Affair’s website to learn more about how to apply for an eligibility code. To be granted a fee waiver, submit your eligibility code with your application.

We usually mail certification within three weeks of getting the complete application.

Allow time for the U.S. Postal Service to deliver your certificate. Contact us if you haven't received your certification after eight weeks.

Voicemail: 608-261-6876



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Last revised February 28, 2025