Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

Limited supply of free at-home HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) testing kits available

Wisconsin residents 18 years or older can order free and discreetly packaged test kits for HIV,* syphilis,* chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis on Simple HealthKit's secure web portal.

*Results of HIV and syphilis testing are considered preliminary and follow-up testing by a health care provider may be necessary.

Wisconsin STD Program

The Wisconsin STD Program is the lead agency in Wisconsin government responsible for coordinating the state’s public health response to the prevention and control of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). For information regarding HIV, go to the HIV Program webpage.

Information for the General Public

Learn how to get tested and treated and what to do if you find out you have an STD.

Information for Health Care Professionals

Find information and resources on reporting, testing, and treating STDs.

Reportable STDs


Chlamydia is the most commonly reported STD in Wisconsin.


Gonorrhea is the second most commonly reported STD in the state.


Syphilis can have serious consequences if not treated properly.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease includes infections of the upper female genital and reproductive organs.

Antibiotic Resistant Gonorrhea

Bacteria have learned to resist the effects of the drugs used to treat Gonorrhea.


Chancroid is a highly contagious yet curable STD.

Wisconsin STD Control Section Topics

What's New

Find out the latest news about what's going on in the world of STDs here in Wisconsin.

Data and Statistics

Learn how many people had an STD in your area. Compare your area with the rest of the state.

State and Local Health Department Program Staff

Find contact information for state STD Control section staff and local health department staff around the state.

We want your feedback about our webpages. Email or with your thoughts about the layout and ease of navigation of the STD webpages.


Last revised March 3, 2025