Influenza (Flu)

The flu is an illness caused by the influenza viruses. Flu gets passed around every year, with some years being worse than others. While people may think about flu in the colder months, it can also spread in the summer.

About the Flu

Ill adult blowing nose with used tissues and meds on table.

This page has general information on the flu, including information on signs and symptoms and resources.


A red pushpin pinned a yellow note with "Get flu shot" written on it to a white notebook

This page has tips on ways to prevent the flu.


Line graph representing data trends with blurred people in background

This page has information on influenza data and the Weekly Respiratory Report.

Reporting and Surveillance

A hand on computer mouse with a keyboard

This page is for local health departments, health care providers, or those looking for information on reporting, surveillance, or diagnosis of the flu.

Health Care Provider Resources

A pharmacist wearing a face mask and a face shield

This page is for local health departments, health care providers, or those looking for resources for the flu education, outreach, vaccination logistics and quality improvement.

Questions about the flu? Talk to your doctor.
Or find answers to frequently asked questions and learn more about the flu with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Last revised April 22, 2024