Aging: Demographics in Wisconsin
This web page includes data reports. They show how many older adults live in Wisconsin. They also show other social and economic factors that relate to aging.
Find programs and services for older adults
Current Wisconsin population by age
Learn more about the older age group in Wisconsin. Data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, with averages from 2019 to 2023.
- State of Wisconsin Profile of Persons Ages 65 and Older, P-01213A (Excel)—Compares characteristics of Wisconsin’s older population to U.S. averages.
- Wisconsin County Profile of Persons Ages 65 and Older, P-01213 (Excel)—Shows age data from each Wisconsin county. Select a county from the dropdown menu. See county data compared to data from the state.
- Tribe, City, Town, and Village Profile: 2019–2023 Average, P-01213B (Excel)—Shows age data from smaller communities across the state.
- Population Reporting Disability by Age and Sex and by Type of Disability, 2019–2023, P-01623 (Excel)—Contains data about people who reported a disability in each Wisconsin county. View disability by age group (18–64 or 65 and older) and disability type.
Future Wisconsin population by age
Learn more about how the older age group in Wisconsin may change over time. Data comes from the Wisconsin Department of Administration Demographic Services Center.
- County Population Projections Through 2050, P00138A (Excel)—Shows expected changes in the older age group from 2020 to 2050. Includes all ages, ages 55 and older, ages 60 and older, ages 65 and older, ages 75 and older, and ages 85 and older.
- Percent of the Projected Population Ages 60 and Older, 2020–2050, P-01803 (PDF)—Includes a series of maps. Shows the percent of people in each county who will be 60 and older in 2020, 2030, 2040, and 2050.
Wisconsin projected populations with dementia through 2040
This file contains the projected number of people living with dementia in every Wisconsin county from 2010-2040. Dementia refers to the loss of memory, language, and other thinking skills that is severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia. These estimates are intended for communities' planning purposes only. These estimates include those living in communities and exclude residents of skilled nursing facilities. These estimates were created using data from the Wisconsin Department of Administration's Demographic Services Center and the Chicago Health and Aging Project.
Wisconsin County Dementia Projections Through 2040, P-01049 (Excel)
Who to contact for help
Questions about your county or other Census information? Contact:
Eric Grosso
Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS)
Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources